Monday, May 17, 2010

Is it common to have problems sleeping after getting wisdom teeth out?

I had them out last Thursday. I slept fine the first couple of nights, but the past few nights I find that I have to prop myself up so that my head doesn't feel like it's throbbing. I'm so tired because it's incredibly hard to sleep like that, and I'm wondering if this is normal. The receptionist at my oral surgeon's office said it is, but I don't know. I see my oral surgeon tomorrow morning for my post-op, but am hoping to get some reassurance from others today. Any suggestions on how to get through a night and how long this will last?

Is it common to have problems sleeping after getting wisdom teeth out?
I had almost the same thing! I recomend drinking warm lemon juice with disolved asprin in just before bed and putting lavender oil on the pillow to relax you. Xx~xX
Reply:take a bunch of tylenol PM and yes its normal for a deep open wound to throb.
Reply:jesus. back in 9th grade, i got all 4 removed at the same time. i ad no problem with pain or throbing,cuase i had vicadim,so i was completely settle. but i had a huge problem getting to sleep,cuase of the guaze to stop the bleeding..since some of mine werent even impacted,i had them removed,making my mouth bleed for a couple days. i would go to the doc,and ask for some more meds

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