Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wisdom teeth problems?

Why do they cause me so much grief! I'm gonna have to get them out. Dentist told me there is room for them to fully come through but they won't. Why? This has gone on for a few yrs now and i just keep putting it off! Salt water swilling isn't helping anymore.

Wisdom teeth problems?
Hiya, I'm a qualified dental nurse and oral health promoter so hope I can give good advice!

If your dentist has recomended you having them out - do it - that'll get rid of the problem. However many people can have pain with erupting wisdom teeth but don't necessarily need them out. Dentists wont take them out unless they a constant problem for you.

Wisdom teeth erupt slowly at a rate of 1mm every six months - the surrounding gum can act as a food trap or the opposing teeth can bite onto it causing pain. It's a very common problem and this is why babies cry! Plaque bacteria can build up around the partially erupted tooth and can also cause infection -so keeping the area as clean as possible with a soft toothbrush ( it may bleed - this is a sign of infection but dont let that put you off) keep swishing out with the warm salt water and this will help with the symptoms. If you experiance any swelling of your jaw or have problems opening your mouth - antibiotics from your dentist may be required. Definately see your dentist if this is something you cannot cope with anymore.
Reply:Go see your dentist again. They can be very painful but not for a few years.
Reply:when my wisdom teeth were coming through it was horrible my gums would swell and felt the need to bit on something like a baby does when its teething i had them all out at the hospital was quite uncomfortable for a few days but like every thing else it better over time .bite the bullet (pardon the pun)and get them out good luck x
Reply:It is surprising that wisdom teeth taking years to come out. I am sure you are not enjoying the pain. Better seek a second opinion to have them extracted and be happy.
Reply:My friends mother is a dentist and she say that it is the quick and easy option to just take them out, but that if it is possible to leave them in then they should be left in.

However I am struggling with the pain of my wisdom teeth at the moment too, i'm gonna see a dentist soon. I've had it on and off for a few years now, and I've had enough, I just want them out.

Good luck.

P.S. Is it the lower ones? Mine are and they are a pain in the ar*e.
Reply:If your dentist recommend to take them out, follow his advise, its not good for your health to have inflammation all the time.

If they didn't erupt for some years there is no change, they will.

Wisdom teeth are a relict from stone-age and are not longer required, so they are mostly underdeveloped. There are also very lucky people, who dint have them at all
Reply:general anaestetic and out! and itis simple quick and much better
Reply:The majority of people get their wisdom teeth removed these days. I don't know why we have them, unless it's one of those things where the human body has altered itself over time. Maybe in pre-historic days, when man had to hunt and work hard just to get food, the wisdom teeth were used as a way to grind up tough food. I don't know for sure.

Anyway, I've had issues with my wisdom teeth for as long as I can remember. And I should say, for anyone out there who has never had their wisdom teeth removed: DO IT ALL AT THE SAME TIME! I've had three of my four wisdom teeth extracted on three different occasions, and the one that is left is in constant pain, broken, and I've put it off for financial reasons.

You don't mention it specifically, but if they're in a lot of pain, Excedrin works better than other milder pain relievers, just make sure you can take asperin (I landed in the hospital last year because I had taken asperin for a toothache, found out I had a stomach ulcer and it was bleeding, nearly died, and had 3 pints of blood in transfusions.)

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