Saturday, November 14, 2009

How young do they start correcting teeth problems?

things like overbites. I have a son who is 2 and I am not so worried about how they look as how it is going to effect his speech!

How young do they start correcting teeth problems?
Orthodontists suggest having an assessment of a child at around age 7. At this age, the permanent molars have erupted as well as the 4 lower incisors and the upper central incisors.

It is possible to begin interceptive orthodontic work to reshape the jaws and correct function of them at this age. Sometimes this treatment can preclude the need for braces at all once all the permanent teeth have come in around age 12. It only makes sense that if you can reshape the jaws to fit each other better that orthodontic problems have been reduced.

If you wait until age 12 and all the teeth have come in, your options are more limited. I am attaching a link that explains this is more detail.
Reply:i think our youngest patient is about 6 or 7. we dont put braces on until all adult teeth come through though (which is different from person to person, but usually between 12 and14). until then some of our younger patients get space maintainers or plates. in some cases doing this means they dont need braces. but like the other person said its best to go see your orthodontist and get your child checked out by them.
Reply:Age 2?? Don't worry just now, teeth rarely have any effect on speech. Most orthodontic problems are best sorted out when the adult teeth come through around age 12, but a few things could do with earlier treatment. See an orthodontist around age 10 for preference
Reply:If you are afraid of a speech problem consult with the child's Doctor. Ask him if he sees a reason for a happy visit to the dentist to see if this will become a problem and if it will when to start treatment....Teeth are dealt with at very young ages so if you go and have it checked out now you will be ahead of the game and try not to worry as these things are correctable.....Good luck....Palin

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