Monday, May 17, 2010

Teeth problem!!!?

Hi, i'm a 17 year old female and just about 2 years ago, my adult canines (eye teeth) grew on my gums right above my baby teeth leaving me with a big problem.

I honestly don't wanna go through the hassle and expense of wearing braces for 2 years or more.

I've always wanted vaneers but this problem seems to ruin my chance of ever getting them...can't I just pull out the adult canine teeth and place a vaneer or bonding material over my baby teeth instead?

Teeth problem!!!?
It's not recommended, eye teeth (canines) are extremely important teeth in your mouth, if they are in proper position, they help guide your jaw when opening and closing, and will protect you back teeth from damage and premature wear, these teeth have the longest roots in the mouth, and can handle a lot of stress and forces on them. if an orthodontist runs out of space and needs to extract something to gain some space, he/she will take out a premolar (the tooth behind the eye tooth), and would leave the eye tooth in the mouth and try to put it in it's correct place.

canines are really important component of your bite (occlusion) and I wouldn't let go of them that easily.
Reply:I don't think you'd find any dentist willing to remove your baby canines in this situation. Even getting you to sign an informed consent waiver wouldn't protect him legally if you sued him later for negligent treatment (which is what it would be).

If you took out the adult canines and veneered your baby canines, they may not last you the rest of your life, and if they get loose and fall out, then what will you do?

2 years of braces isn't really that much of an issue if it's going to give you 70 years of happiness. And I would much rather have braces then veneers - veneers require grinding back your teeth, and there is no guarantee they will last forever.

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