Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rabbit teeth problem?!?

my rabbit is having terrible teeth problems, and sadly we are having to have her put down. she does not eat hay, so her teeth wont wear down, and she is having to have them filed every 5 weeks. we cannt afford it (£100 a time) and it is mean to keep her when she will be in pain.

i am very sad to loose her, but we are getting another rabbit, and would like to know which rabbits do not have bad dental problems, or usually eat hay. we do not want this problem to occur again, because it is too painful to have them put down


Rabbit teeth problem?!?
lop eared rabbits and dwarf rabbits are more prone to dental problems as their head is small and teeth are large for their head. A dutch would be a good breed as they are neither to large or small and also friendly. What breed was your other rabbit?
Reply:Did you rabbit have like .. blocks of wood to chew ? Thats what helped mines teeth , Was is that her teeth were too long ? Yellow ? If they were too long im sure the vet would cut them down
Reply:when you have your poor rabbit put down maybe you could ask the vet what other things you could do to help prevent this in the future.

If you go into your local pet shop you should find blocks that rabbits and other rodents can chew to help wear down their teeth. Also feeding them hard foods can also help that need to be chewed a lot like carrots, if you buy premixed rabbit food make sure it has lots of nutty bits in it which it can crunch. And with the carrot thing make sure your rabbit has fresh vegies every day to eat because raw vegies really wear down those teeth.
Reply:Did you know you can clip your rabbits teeth back. If your not comfortable doing it yourself call around to vets offices and inquire. You shouldn't have to put your rabbit down for long teeth when you could probably learn to clip them yourself. Some patience and two people you should be fine. Then put a piece of wood or something your bunny can chew on to ware it's teeth down. Good luck I hope you keep your bunny.
Reply:Well i've had dwarf rabbits for a long time and i haven't had any teeth problems with my rabbits but usually teeth problems run in the bloodlines of the rabbit. Example,- if the father had teeth problems then it's likely that the litter might also. When u get ur new bunny always give them a carrot or a wooden block for them to chew so they can keep their teeth filed. I'm so sorry to hear about ur rabbit though.
Reply:I suggest that you should go to a vet.Or if you have any questions emial experts.They are my friends and their names are Sofia and Mark.They are both vetrenarians.Their email is .Hope they can help!

1 comment:

  1. Our rabbit has a problem with his teeth. We have been taking him to have his teeth clipped every month at £5 each time. Our vet decided it would be best if he just had them taken out,it costs £60 but it will be better for our rabbit and will save us money in the long run. We would never have him put down for something like teeth problems.Please ask your vet about it.


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