Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wisdom teeth removed, feel great, almost too great but with some problems?

Well i had my wisdom teeth removed seven hours ago without following many of the dentist's orders, no icepack, ate soft bread, didn't take advil and i can talk normally and feel pretty good - but i've come up with a few problems.. one of the back stitches (well i think its a stitch - clear plastic-like wire) is like 5mm out of my gum - is that ok? Also i accadentally chewed using my back teeth - is there any risks from doing that? lastly i found myself yelling at my sister while opening my mouth too large (over 2/3) is there anything that could happen from that? - Thanks in advance

Wisdom teeth removed, feel great, almost too great but with some problems?
To avoid drysocket its best to lay off most of those activities lol. In a bit the doctor will give you a syringe to rinse out the holes in your mouth.

This may also be the anestesia that hasnt worn off yet. My wisdom teeth removal didnt hurt until the next day... and it was bad.

Try not to chew food in the back, dont put too much stress on the stitches, and ice the thing... it can very quickly go from routine dental surgery to you sitting in bed warding off a terrible infection, which will most assuredly be accompanied by a terrible fever and bodyaches
Reply:Make sure you at least rinse your mouth good after you ate. Also try to listen to the Dr. You can cause many problems and more pain !! Hope you feel better !!! SJ
Reply:nah broo dont worri bout it i had mine takin out yesterday and i think my stich came out already i ate the second i walked out the dentist office lol if it doesent hurt u dont worri and y r u takin advil didnt they give u vikes or percs???

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