Saturday, May 15, 2010

Teeth problem - chipping/clear tips, dark beneath - what's happening?

I'm having some problems with my teeth, namely the front two on the top.

Firstly, they seem to be chipping slightly. It's not extremely noticeable, but if it continues it will be. They're becoming a little rough instead of smooth straight across.

The second problem, with the same teeth, is the darkness. The very tips of the teeth (enamel?) is clearish. However, above that it's white. So it looks funny. The darker part is wierdly shapped like you sometimes see in kids with developing teeth. It's wavey but only above the enamel.

So, the clear part is chipped and I can see the wierdly shaped darker part of the tooth in my two front teeth.

My question is: 1) What is happening, 2) Why/what causes this, and 3) What can I do to stop/prevent/restore this?!

Teeth problem - chipping/clear tips, dark beneath - what's happening?
your enamel is very brittle %26amp; its chipping off because of calcium defency. The dark part can be because of stains stuck to the rough surface. Go to your dentist %26amp; get it cleaned %26amp; filled or capped if it very sevear.
Reply:is sounds as if you have got acid erosion. When the teeth are not cleaned properly acid erosion occurs which is when the teeth become almost see through as the enamel is thinning. You can buy special toothpaste which should prevent this from happening however i dont no if you can get it back. Best to check with the dentist.

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