Saturday, May 15, 2010

What are American's problems with British teeth and women?

Really, I need to know, is it because you all live in hollywood land where it's socially unacceptable because there are so many shallow people over there? Or is it because you watch austin powers and think we all live in castles in London? Our women are the best in the world, but i suppose happiness and personality dosn't count for much in America, eh?

PS I'm sorry to all the American's this don't apply to, I just get angry when we get generalised by lack of knowledge

What are American's problems with British teeth and women?
I am from Scotland and i look after my teeth,they are all my own and natural. My father has all his own teeth and hes almost 80. I am often complimented on my nice smile, and am grateful i don't have to feel responsible for causing blindness in others due to any over bleaching,capping or veneered teeth. I also have to agree we are the best in the world lol :0)
Reply:Don't be fooled - american men love British women *wink* Report It

Reply:I think the bad teeth thing came from old UK sitcoms on PBS--ON THE BUSES,ETC. we don't like veneers much in the UK,they look too fake.Not everyone should have identikit smiles and teeth aren't all meant to be snow-white. Report It

Reply:In some instances the US is a very insular society prone to generalisation of other countries of which they only have an extrememly limited knowledge. Similar behaviour can be seen in the opinion of some about the French. Then again being British and knowing how some of us have a similar fondness for similar acts of generalisation it may be a bit of pot and kettle.

Having met some Americans who could not afford the cosmetic dentistry (which is expensive) that I will admit is more popular over there I can honestly say that there are quite a few with teeth as bad as any British person.
Reply:Your teeth ... your problem!

But maybe English people have other priorities for their money than handing it over in thick wads to dentists.

The Americans aren't the only ones who think the Brits have bad teeth ... but if you can still pull with bad teeth, does it matter? I do at least clean them and go to the hygienist twice a year, but yeah, they are very wonky, they just grew that way and I can't face the pain and expense of putting them straight.

It would be stupid and meaningless to generalise about English women ... and all my partners have been foreign, except one - my ex-wife!
Reply:Nothing against your women mate. I think the accent is a real turn on. But you gotta admit that the brits have some real "summer" teeth.
Reply:Chris, the guy who made the comment about British women being rough added that he's British himself! LOL

You're barking up the wrong tree, mate.
Reply:I'm Canadian, so maybe my answer wont count, but I've lived in America for about a decade now and have absorbed the culture. I still find the British accent to be one of the hottest, British humour to be the funniest dry humour, and bad teeth to have far more character than veneers. In America, I haven't heard much anti-British sentiment. Mostly, there is a lack of understanding. I have to explain to many of them about the monarchs, the Parliament, the commonwealths, and the culture because they just don't know. They have no clear picture of what British (or even Canadian) life is like, and I think that may lead to many misunderstandings about British women being frigid, having bad teeth, and everyone having a cockney accent. The Americans I know who have actually met a Briton or even dated one absolutely love them.

I guess it comes down to that those Americans who don't know just assume.
Reply:I am british and I have worked as a dental nurse. I can see why americans have a problem with our teeth. In the UK we all have a great fear of dentists, plus our diet consists of indian food, wine , tea and coffee. Second to that unless ur unemployed dental fees are extautionate, and such treatmens are not as widely available as in the USA. I admit I have seen some disgsting teeth.
Reply:Im english, its only older english people that have bad teeth, like over fifties, i remember at one point in school, if you didnt have a brace you were the odd one out. All my friends have lovely teeth, my parents friends on the other hand...

Ps. I'm female, and not rough at all, pretty damn sexy actually!!!
Reply:Buddy, you are right, all generalisations are wrong and there as many "good, bad and ugly" ones in any society.

However, I must say (I lived in the US and in the UK), according to my observation (I am not claiming to be objective), I have never seen so many people with good teeth than in the USA and I have never seen so many people with uncared, rotten teeth than in the UK. But let's be fair, it's probably not their fault. I live in London myself and I guess it's no offence to say that our National health System is a joke and does not offer you great dental service at all - come on, we can't even have an annual check up! No surprise half the nation has rotten teeth.

And about the girls: Well, again, it's subjective, but how come I have never seen binge drinking, loud, misbehaving girls in any other country by the numbers I encounter them in UK?

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